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Regressive river

Theme illustration:An ideal city should have an ideal river. It is not a river bed of memory fragments, but a clean beautiful habitat home. River has given itself its own comprehensive meaning that it should have. River's integrated design will cover urban public recreational and cultural creative design, on basis of water ecological restoration and reconstruction technology. Rivers will return to health and the experience of poetic atmosphere. It is every city's dream images.

From Shanghai Suzhou river, the mother to the huangpu river, to the Yangtze river, xiangjiang river, zhujiang river, etc., Our design team, through the practice of technology and field research on waterfront space of several big rivers in China, has left a systematic thinking on professional development, and has been pursuing interdisciplinary integration of disciplines.

Landscape Planning and Design Research Institute of Shanghai General Institute of Political Engineer- ing Design and Research (Group) Co., Ltd.