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Faire corps avec la ville

"One with the city" is a virtual reality film that immerges us in three different cities: New York, marseille and Shanghai. We found that the perspective of these three cities is not from the top, but from the inside, through the local people's life segments and atmosphere to explore. And these inhabited Spaces allow us to re-experience the city and rethink the place of feelings, emotions, memories and fantasies in the city.

These three cities reflect different urban planning patterns; The film questions urban planning around the world today. Putting the audience at the heart of the experience makes us rethink the relationship between the human body and the urban environment. The virtual reality technology can achieve the feeling of being experienced in the city. Narrative offers the possibility of discovering space science and interacting with space. The city is no longer just a distant scene, but a living fabric with which people can integrate.

Sensual City Studio