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On the waterside

Collecting, transporting and sharing water is central to urban life. Before the faucet isolated our relationship with water, Wells and fountains organized the lives of communities, and water was part of society. It opened roads for communication and for the transport of people, knowledge and goods. However, cities today seem to suffer more from the fear of water: flooding, pollution, health risks, sanitation, drinking water, river purification and groundwater drying are affecting urban life, and we must find the charm of water again. In addition to our daily interactions with water, we can rediscover the traces of an urban fantasy created by water; So does the fantasy of port cities or distant and exotic waters. The river is time gone and forgotten; The lake is the calm of the gaze and the senses; While the beach near the center of the city is entertaining and happy with the water. All these waters form a whole, which makes the city smoother and more profound.