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Venice: a city of water and stone

The exhibition consists of three distinct narratives, called “diachronic”, “synchronic” and “visions”, each showing different aspects of a city, Venice, whose main vocation is a indissoluble relationship with the waters from where it rises.

The diachronic route shows the development of the city in time, through interactive maps where the main architecture accomplishments are underlined: churches, public buildings, palaces and houses. There are five maps, each for a specially important period of the life of Venice, up to contemporary days.

The synchronic route shows some of the main problems (and their solutions) that Venice had to confront to be able to survive, from the control of the lagoon to the connection between the more than hundred islets making up the city, including analysis of building techniques, collection of fresh water et alia.

All this is illustrated with slideshows, panels and interactive maps.

The last section, also illustrated with slideshows, printed panels and with videos, shows various elements and episodes of life in the city, such as: the most important of the countless waterfronts; building and rowing a gondola, one of the most popular feature of the city around the world, views of the palaces alongside the Grand Canal, and others.

Team of Giorgio Gianighian