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Shi Zheng

Born in 1990. Graduated from the Art School of Muti-media, Chinese Academy of Arts in 2014, Master's degree from the Chicago Institute of Arts in 2019. Now lives and works in Shanghai and New York. As a media artist, Shi Zheng creates electronic music, Audio-Visual installations and puts on live performances. His works try to expand the audience's audio-visual synaesthesia experience as much as possible through computer technologies, in which sound and image are two indispensable sides of embodiment. Starting from Offset (2014), he is enaged to the virtual landscapes built inside screens, and in the virtual world that is completely generated by the computer program, he is not just a creator, more like a rambler. The final fusion of the granulated sound and the image presents the feeling of the cold silence produced by him. As a recent research and creation based on deep learning and neural network, Frosty Morning (2019) attempts to explore the "potential time" behind the computer vision from the perspective of philosophy of technology. Shi Zheng is not only doing personal works, but happy to cooperate with outstanding artists in his field. In 2013, he and Huo Neng, Zhipeng Wang and Wei Weng set up a media art group, RMBit, to create with the current social media phenomenon. He and Huo Neng are also members of OSC (Open Super Control), the Audio-Visual performing group. His personal and cooperative works have also appeared many times in important art galleries, art institutions and media festivals in domestic and overseas, including Sound Art China, FILE Electronic Language International Festival, Ars Electronica (Austrian Electronic Art Festival), Institute of Contemporary Arts, Turin Castello di Rivara Art Museum, The Lumen Prize London, Shanghai 21st Century People's Livelihood Art Museum, Shanghai Power Station of Art, and OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Shenzhen Pavilion.

Exhibition Artworks