Iconic Shanghai Encounter·Waterfront

Huangpu District


Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Shanghai Activity Center for Youngsters


22 September – 15 October 2019


Temporary exhibition hall at F3 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center


Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek are where modern finance, commerce and industry began in Shanghai and where the city’s aspiration to be an “excellent global city” is typified and embodied. The year 2017 witnessed the connection of public spaces along a 45km section of Huangpu River and the waterfront connection project of middle Suzhou Creek was initiated in the first half of 2018, indicating that planning and construction around Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek has entered the critical stage. In 2019, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center continued its ICONIC SHANGHAI event with the theme “Encounter · Waterfront”, inviting citizens to directly experience the beauty of public spaces along Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek. A themed photography competition and a drawing competition “Young Painters of Shanghai” will showcase the great achievements of public space planning and construction in Shanghai.