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Aggregating - Group

Eight black linear sculptures cut the space, and contrast with the environment in white boxes. The rigid turning surface, unstable perspective, conflicted symmetric relation and scale, precise connection points and over-polished traces develop and change under the polymerized mass. Yang Mushi cuts and reassembles the second-hand wood wall panels, workbenches, ladders and wood floors that he collected in Shanghai, paints and shapes them into eight blocks radiating into the space. The space's dimensions refer to how large a place urban denizens are restricted to as they live or work: squeeze. The black sculptures, as the symbol of urban trunk, produce a correlation with the component elements of structures in the exhibition hall. The artist has created a readable aggregation indicating the city through processing daily supplies in Shanghai and changing the space. With this practice, he tries to inspire the viewers to think about urban development and production relation at present and imagine what lies in the future.