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Liu Yi

Liu Yi, born in 1990 in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Graduated as a bachelor from the School of Cross-media art of China Academy of Art in 2012, and as a master from China Academy of Art in 2016. Now lives in Hangzhou. ""Early art film and experimental animation in China"" is her major field. She has created Theory of Natural Selection, Chaos Theory, A Travel Inward, Into The Void, A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day, The Earthly Men, and other video & image works. She puts her experience in life into animation, multi-media, and spatial installation, and explores possibilities in exhibitive spaces. A distinct feature of her works is that they allow viewers to find a parallel yet opposite world to reality. In 2017, her work ""A Crow Has Been Barking for a Whole Day"", after being selected and showcased in the Netherlands Animation Film Festival, received the ""Special Recommendation"" in the Hua International Short Film Festival. In 2018, she was invited by Korean Seoul Museum of Art to participate in ""SeMA NANJI"" Artist Residence Programme. In April 2019, she was invited to the French NEF Animation Global Artist Residence Programme, and in May to the first Cyprus International Residence Programme. Her video & image works have been collected by Smart Design Studio and Stanford East Asian Library. Her main exhibitions include: ""Animation & Contemporary Art"", Cyprus (2019), ""Thrown Into The Wind"" ShanghART M50, Shanghai (2018); NOW: A Dialogue on Female Chinese Contemporary Artists, HOME, Greater Manchester, British; ""Imagination Factory, Discover Another Possibility of Life"" Hanshan Art Museum, Suzhou (2017); ""Ballade -- Animamix Contemporary Art"", Macao Museum of Art, Macao (2017); A Travel Inward -- Liu Yi Solo Project"", MOCA Shanghai MoCA Art Pavilion, Shanghai (2017); ""Flowing Feast"", ShanghART Singapore Solo Exhibition, Singapore (2017); ""Space in Mind -- Animamix Biennale"", MOCA Shanghai, Shanghai (2016); The 3rd Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, Shenzhen (2016); The 8th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen, Shenzhen (2013); The 10th China Independent Film Festival, Xiamen (2013); Limited Knowledge, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, CMC Gallery (2013); The 9th China Independent Film Festival, Nanjing (2012)

Major Experience / Story / Viewpoint Fill in, if any (Chinses) The Review Panelist of The 18th Animafest Cyprus

Viewpoint: I want to travel the world to obtain the inspiration and knowledge, and only find the life itself is the source which is needed to explore.

Exhibition Artworks